Apalachee Center, Inc. Community Survey pursuant to the Apalachee Strategic Plan development process, a biennial community survey of key informants is carried out to solicit input and feedback regarding operations and to obtain suggestions for improvement and identification of
community needs that we may be able to address. The most recent community survey was conducted in 2011. Questionnaires are distributed to key informants at community agencies within the eight county area as well as to other individuals identified by Apalachee program directors and clinical supervisors. Fifty-one (51) completed surveys were returned, representing a 23% return rate.
The majority of respondents (73%) to the 2011 Community Survey reported they had recently had contact with Apalachee staff to coordinate services or collaborate on a mutual client. Based on their recent experience(s), respondents were then asked to rate Apalachee on a 5-point scale
from “excellent” to “poor” on the following areas: staff professionalism; ability to work with different types of clients; confidentiality; coordination; communication; responsiveness and overall quality of care; and, reputation in the community.
• 98% rated the “professionalism of staff” as “good” to “excellent”
• 95% rated “Apalachee’s ability to work with different types of clients” as “good” to “excellent”
• 100% rated “confidentiality of services” as “good” to “excellent”
• 83% rated “coordination of the referral process” as “good” to “excellent”
• 77% rated “staff communication with you” as “good” to “excellent”
• 77% rated “responsiveness of staff to your needs” as “good” to “excellent”
• 90% rated “overall quality of care and services received by your client(s)” as “good” to“excellent”
•91% of respondents rated “Apalachee’s reputation in the community” as “good” to“excellent”

Read the full Community Health Needs Assessment (PDF)