The Mobile Response Team (MRT) is a 24/7 on-call crisis intervention service provided through Apalachee Center, Inc.  MRT provides emergency behavioral health assessment and diversion to alternatives to inpatient treatment when appropriate.  Apalachee Center’s MRT currently serves all eight counties in our treatment area (Leon, Liberty, Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, and Wakulla Counties).  Services may be accessed 24/7 through the MRT’s toll-free number: (800) 342-0774.  Services are provided through phone consultations and on-site response by Mobile Response Team clinicians.

The Apalachee Center MRT was created by the 2018 Florida Legislature and included in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act and developed with the following criteria:

  • Respond to requests within a 60-minute timeframe
  • Provide behavioral health crisis-oriented services that are responsive to the individual and family needs
  • Respond to the crisis in the location in which it is occurring (i.e. schools, homes, community locations, etc.)
  • Provide screening, standardized assessments, early identification, and linkage to community services
  • Whenever possible include family members
  • Develop a Care Plan
  • Provide care coordination by facilitating the transition to ongoing services through a warm hand-off, including psychiatric evaluation and medication management
  • Ensure the process for informed consent and HIPPA compliance measures
  • Promote information sharing and use of innovative technology – Mobile applications, tele-psychiatry, etc.

Apalachee’s MRT provides crisis intervention services 24/7 by a team of professionals trained in crisis intervention to provide timely support and services.  The Apalachee MRT provides care in a community-based setting and increases opportunities to stabilize individuals in the least restrictive setting and avoid possible jail, hospital, or emergency room utilization.  Beyond working to resolve the crisis situation, the team also works with the individual and their family to identify and create strategies for effectively dealing with possible future crisis and rapid follow-up after the initial contact.

Anyone can call the Mobile Response Team’s direct number at (800) 342-0774 any time, day or night.  Law enforcement may also initiate by calling the same number or by connecting via provided tablets to begin a face-to-face telehealth session.


One Minute Mobile Response Team (MRT) PSA

In Depth look at the Mobile Response Team (MRT)